Who is Guido Moretti

Artist and professor of physics, he began his career as a sculptor in the early 1970s.
Second child of three sons Guido Moretti was born in Gardone VT on 12 August 1947 in via Gramsci n. 20. His father Luigi is a carpenter and uses a part of the corridor of the house as a workshop.
Growing up among wood, Guido will always be fascinated by this material: «you breathe it, it enters you. The colors… the smells! I still have the glue in my blood. “


The truth is not given to anyone, it is conquered and created: at the same time it is discovery and invention.

Through the realization that life contains drama as a fundamental element in its womb, as well as joy and wonder, and that this elementary truth is only extremely difficult to accept, I believe that I have overcome the dramatic vision of the most burning contradictions of the world. ‘to exist.



The 3 Methods




The book

The “third way” to sculpture

The book that contains the history, evolution and works of Guido Moretti.

This writing contains the philosophy of the artist who, together with critics and art experts, introduces the public to his art and his vision that has guided him in more than forty years of production of works and exhibitions.

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