
The method

“I soon realized, for example, that with the same design I could obtain two different sculptures simply by mounting the plywood shapes I obtained from the drawings in the opposite way. This is the reason why there are sculptures made by stratification with names such as “Straight Mouth”, “Reverse Mouth”, “Straight Face” and “Reverse Face” and again “straight helmet” and “inverted helmet” etc. “

From the very beginning I understood that I had embarked on a very rich and exciting path even if at the time I could never have imagined what extraordinary developments this attempt to “unify myself” would lead me to.

Already the first method that I called “STRATIFICATION” gave me great satisfaction. I soon realized, for example, that with the same design I could obtain two different sculptures by simply mounting the plywood shapes I obtained from the drawings in the opposite way. This is the reason why there are sculptures made by stratification with names such as “Straight Mouth”, “Reverse Mouth”, “Straight Face” and “Reverse Face” and “straight helmet” and “inverted helmet” etc.

I think it is enough to make me understand my way of working in that period to show some of the preparatory drawings on transparencies (only many years later they were all or almost all transferred to the computer) in a very artisanal way. As you can see, the drawing is very complex and perhaps confused, however by following the numbers and cutting out the plywood shapes corresponding to the drawings of the successive layers and superimposing them in the right order, I could assist at the birth of the sculptures, I saw the formation and concealment of mysterious cavities and fascinating. Another interesting aspect of this method is to allow me to work with color and light using colored Plexiglas.